4 boxes and 1 tube of rolled drawings

Archaeological Archive for Flint Glassworks, Manchester

2 boxes plus site drawings

Archaeological Archive for Moore's Mill, New Islington Wharf

1 item

Publication relating to the NHS’s Improving Access to Psychological Therapies Programme

4 items

Material relating to the "Mark & Lard" Show

3 items

Collection of Newspapers Printed by Trafford Park Printers

1 item

Gene flow in plants and micro-organisms – initiative workshop

1 report

Correspondence between Burke, Adrian Butt and Cockburn regarding Science Review panel report and Pusztai's comments in the media, particularly about Burke

1 item

Biotechnology workshop Madrid


"The story of golden rice"

1 item

"Biotechnology and genetic resource policies"

1 book

"What on earth is biotechnology?"

1 item

From J. K Patel regarding a draft for an issue of Outlooks on Pest Management where Trewavas' paper would be published

1 item

"Dispelling the myths - the real facts about agricultural biotechnology and biotech food"

newspaper cutting

"GM crops giant Monsanto pulls out of Europe"

1 item

"Safety of genetically engineered foods: approaches to assessing unintended health effects"

1 item

CD containing Polyethylene PowerPoint Presentation for the Science Museum

1 VHS tape

BBC Breakfast – launch of debate

1 item

Brochure entitled 'Mars Express and Beagle 2'


Scrapbook No. 54, February 2005

1 item

"The implications of Spring-sown genetically modified herbicide-tolerant crops for farmland biodiversity"

1 item

"A bright light on GM crops"

1 item

From Ross Finnie at Scottish Executive regarding Health and Community Care Committee report on Inquiry into GM crops


Scrapbook No. 42, January 2004


Talking of Food GM foods debate London disk 1

1 item

Correspondence with Mylnefield Research Services Ltd regarding contract of trials and including plans of proposed land

1 file

2003 Press cuttings related to genetically modified crops

1 item

"Future developments in crop biotechnology" Issue paper 6

1 report

"Fields of the future - GM crops" The Scientific Alliance conference proceedings

newspaper cutting

"GM technology fails to win blanket approval"

1 CD

Agricultural Biotechnology Europe farmers trip

"Only 2% of public 'would eat GM food'"

"Only 2% of public 'would eat GM food'"


Scrapbook No. 59, September 2005

1 Box

2004 GM reports and reviews

"GM foods giant Monsanto starts retreat from Europe"

"GM foods giant Monsanto starts retreat from Europe"

Nature magazine Vol 424 "UK experts map out route to licensing transgenic crops"

Nature magazine Vol 424 "UK experts map out route to licensing transgenic crops"

1 item

"Who's misunderstanding whom? Science, society and the media" Economic and Social Research Council

3 items

Pusztai's webpage information regarding submissions for the Scottish Parliament’s Health and Community Care Committee and copies of responses

1 item

"Food for Our Future: Genetic modification, food & farming"

1 item

"EU regulation of the contained use, deliberate release and marketing and GMO and GMM"

Friends of Earth "Now or never: Why you should make your area GM free"

Friends of Earth "Now or never: Why you should make your area GM free"

1 item

Typed hand-out and other notes, from the CCS Seminar on Orion,

"GM firms must pay for damage to nearby farms"

"GM firms must pay for damage to nearby farms"

1 item

Letter from St. George's House enclosing report of farming consultation

1 item

Correspondence with attached biographies of U.S. Grains Council members

1 report

"Biotechnology and sustainable agriculture"

The Independent "From Lab to table: how biotechnology breeds hopes, doubts and fears down the food chain"

The Independent "From Lab to table: how biotechnology breeds hopes, doubts and fears down the food chain"

1 item

Sense about science "I don't know what to believe..."


Into the Long Waves

"If progress is dodgy food, I’m glad to be a flat earther"

"If progress is dodgy food, I’m glad to be a flat earther"

60 pages

Prospectus for University College London School of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences Postgraduate Taught Programmes and Research